Juwairiyah Bte Samsudin
Integrated Events Management
School of Hospitality
Republic Polytechnic


Research and Evaluate the Effectiveness of an Industry Event in Promoting Sustainable Support for a Social Enterprise in Cambodia.

TEAM #21

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Jul 21, 2008
Jul 28, 2008
Aug 5, 2008
Aug 17, 2008
Aug 18, 2008
Aug 19, 2008
Aug 20, 2008
Aug 21, 2008
Aug 22, 2008
Sep 9, 2008
Oct 9, 2008
Oct 23, 2008
Nov 24, 2008
Dec 10, 2008
Dec 11, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Time: 5pm-6.30pm
Attendance: Ash, Asri, Jasmine, Sherwin
Absent: Ju (Leisure Project Work)
Venue: School library
Who we met: Advisor Harris

I wasn’t able to attend for this 3rd meeting with my team as well as my advisor. I was involved in the Leisure & Programming Project. I had to attend the meeting as the presentation will be in a couple of days. However, my team mates provide me with the agenda as well as the result of the project at the end of the day. It has always been the trend in the team. They will always compile the items discussed and details will be emailed to everyone. Thanks to team that this trend is set and team members will always be updated with the progression in the team.

The initial objective was to draft out a timeline for our event.

Discussion About:

- What are the various types of fringe events that can be done in a corporate open house?
- Components to a corporate open house (Logistics: Goodie Bags; Operations; Manpower etc)
- Possible timeline

Before we start to draft the itineraries out, we were advised by Haris to discuss on the theme first. With our imagination of the “Kampung” environment there, we used Jasmine’s idea which was the “Hawaiian Tiki” Theme. Initially the ideas was already discussed beforehand just that we have yet to come to a decision on the final theme that we want for our event.

The theme will determine how our event looks like physically. The activities and fringe events will be based on the objectives of our event. Before even planning on the timeline of the event, we need to list out the itineraries first. Based on what we have surface-ly discussed previously, the team thought of a tour around the centre as well as demonstration and hands on experience for our attendees. We also set a slot for an opening speech which will be done by an important person in the centre.

With these, we draft out our timeline for the event. Apart from this, we also touched on our marketing strategies. Due to the time limitation that we will have later in Cambodia, we thought of doing up invitation cards and send them personally to our targeted audience.

With all these in mind, we also need to think of the logistics matters such as manpower issues, sourcing of materials for the event and some others. We will look into in detail on these in Cambodia as we need to work with the people there.

I thought that all these are merely our plans and that it could be changed anytime when we reached Cambodia as we still have yet to know what Cambodia can offer us. We as a team already have some concerns such as printing matters (whether or not they have the proper printing machine or whatsoever), who we contact with for logistics items and many others. With that, I know that we have to be able to be flexible to change the content or any part of our planning. This was somehow our last meeting before “moving” to Cambodia =)


cambodia’s call has been answered.
7:30 PM